Bar and Wine Accessories
Bar & Wine
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SKY set - shaker, stirring spoon and jiggerMirror polished stainless steelA$331.82
SKY ice bucket with ice tongsMirror polished stainless steelA$345.45
SKY Low Tumbler Glass, 6 pcs.Crystal glassA$108.18
ELEPHANT Bottle openerAluminiumA$63.64
ALFREDO Wine Rack, Saffron YellowStainless steel, yellowMore VariationsA$159.09
BERNADOTTE Bottle Opener - Original Design by Sigvard BernadotteMirror polished stainless steelA$68.18Only 3 left
MANHATTAN ice bucket with tongsStainless steelA$345.45
WINE & BAR corkscrewMirror polished stainless steelA$109.09
ALFREDO Wine Rack, Artichoke GreenStainless steel, greenMore VariationsA$159.09
BERNADOTTE red wine Glass, 6 pcs. - Design Inspired by Sigvard BernadotteCrystal glassA$144.55
SKY Aerating Funnel With FilterMirror polished stainless steelA$81.82
INDULGENCE champagne coolerMirror polished stainless steelA$418.18
SKY White Wine Glass, 6 pcs.Crystal glassA$144.55
SKY coaster setMirror polished stainless steel, LeatherA$159.09
INDULGENCE Grand champagne coolerMirror polished stainless steelA$790.91
MANHATTAN TrayStainless steel, Leather and SkinA$363.64
BERNADOTTE white wine Glass, 6 pcs. - Design Inspired by Sigvard BernadotteCrystal glassA$144.55
SKY Champagne StopperMirror polished stainless steelA$77.27
INDULGENCE champagne saberMirror polished stainless steelA$318.18
SKY icecubes, 4 pcsStainless steelA$77.27
BERNADOTTE Champagne flute, 6 pieces - Design Inspired by Sigvard Bernadotte.GlassA$113.64
SKY Champagne & Wine CoolerMirror polished stainless steelA$345.45
ALFREDO Wine Rack, BlackStainless steel, blackMore VariationsA$159.09
MANHATTAN coaster setStainless steel, Leather and SkinA$163.64
WINE Coasters, 4 pcs.Mirror polished stainless steelA$109.09
SKY Red Wine Glass, 6 pcs.Crystal glassA$150.00
WINE & BAR wine coolerMirror polished stainless steelA$240.91
INDULGENCE Champagne StopperStainless steelA$77.27
MANHATTAN Wine CoasterMirror polished stainless steelA$77.27Only 3 left
MANHATTAN Cocktail ShakerMirror polished stainless steelA$218.18
WINE & BAR Ice bucket with tongsMirror polished stainless steelA$386.36
SKY Cocktail Coupe, 2 piecesGlassA$59.09Sold outNotify Me
WINE & BAR Corkscrew, wine stopper and wine pourerMirror polished stainless steel, Silicone, TPEA$240.91Sold outNotify Me
BERNADOTTE Cocktail coupe glass, 2 pieces - Design Inspired by Sigvard Bernadotte.GlassA$59.09Sold outNotify Me
SKY Champagne Flute, 6 piecesGlassA$135.45Sold outNotify Me
WINE & BAR CarafeGlass, Mirror polished stainless steel, SiliconeA$218.18Sold outNotify Me