OLD DANISH サービングスプーン(S)

オールド デニッシュ 3100115 https://www.georgjensen.com/ja-jp/fine-silverware/silver-cutlery/old-danish-serving-spoon-small/3100115.html
¥ 50,600
ショッピングバッグに追加 フィールド
無料のギフトラッピング 無料のギフトラッピング

Designed in 1947 by Harald Nielsen, the Old Danish cutlery pattern is a symbolic representation of Denmark’s occupation during WWII. The accentuated, clean lines of the double fluted pattern and the balanced distribution of weight symbolizes the spirit and proud resistance of the Danish nation. The Old Danish pattern has a long association with Danish royalty; King Christian X, who never fled his kingdom during occupation, used the cutlery at state banquets and more recently it was given as a wedding gift to Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess of Denmark in 2004.

