Supermodel Alek Wek wearing ring from Fusion collection


Fusion 戒指以 Nina Koppel 的原始设计为基础,专门采用 18K 金打造而成,具有无数种组合方式。
    18K 黄金, 18K 白金, 18K 玫瑰金, 白钻
    18K 黄金, 18K 白金, 钻石
    18K 黄金, 18K 白金, 18K 玫瑰金, 钻石
    18K 白金
    18K 白金, 白钻
    18K 白金, 钻石
    18K 玫瑰金, 18K 白金, 18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 黄金
    18K 黄金, 18K 白金, 18K 玫瑰金, 钻石
    18K 黄金
    18K 白金, 18K 玫瑰金, 18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 黄金, Warm white HyCeram
    18K 黄金, Warm white HyCeram, 钻石
    18K 黄金, Bright red HyCeram
    18K 黄金, Green Hyceram
    18K 白金, Black HyCeram, 钻石
    18K 黄金, Blue HyCeram, 钻石
    18K 白金, Red HyCeram, 钻石
    18K 白金, Black HyCeram, 钻石
    18K 白金, Black HyCeram
    18K 白金, Red HyCeram
    18K 黄金, Green Hyceram
    18K 白金, Black HyCeram
    18K 黄金, Blue HyCeram
    18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 白金, 钻石
    18K 白金, 18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 玫瑰金, 钻石
    18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 白金, 18K 玫瑰金, 钻石
    18K 白金, 钻石
    18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 白金, 18K 黄金, 钻石
    18K 玫瑰金, 钻石
显示第 36 个,共 85 个

Fusion Jewellery: Your Own Narrative

Our Fusion 18 karat gold and white gold jewellery with diamonds offers endless combinations of interlocking shapes which allow you to effectively design pieces that tell your own unique narrative.

Express Yourself. Fusion diamond jewellery can symbolise a love story, a family relationship or a life event by mixing the different pieces in your own way.  Be creative and set your imagination free.

Beauty and Meaning Combined. The true meaning of your jewellery may be a secret just for you but Fusion rings, bangles and earhoops have an elegant beauty that adds a touch of discrete glamour to the woman who wears them.