Necklace and earcuff in 18kt yellow gold with diamonds from the Moonlight Grapes collection from Georg Jensen


许多世纪以来,无论是玫瑰金、黄金或是白金项链,其魅力一直占据着珠宝爱好者的想象和心灵。 链子和吊坠可以修饰脸型、增强乳沟、凸显锁骨,是女性在无数场合佩戴的最爱饰品的永恒补充。 为你生命中的女性送上一份黄金礼物。

纯银项链  钻石项链

    18K 黄金, 白钻
    18K 黄金
    18K 黄金
    金, 钻石, 0,47 ct.
    18K 黄金
    18K 黄金, 白钻
    18K 黄金
    金, 钻石, 0,56 ct.
    18K 黄金
    18K 黄金
    18K 黄金
显示第 11 个,共 11 个

Georg Jensen Necklaces: As Good as Gold

The allure of gold is maybe never so evident as when it is framing the face or tracing the collarbone as an 18kt gold necklace for women. At the same time, the power of an 18kt gold pendant to draw attention subtly to a woman’s décolletage is also unrivalled. There is something about the precious metal next to the skin that is simply magical.

We offer many 18kt gold chain necklaces for women. The simplicity of the row of tiny links makes them the perfect jewellery for daytime. Worn below a shirt, a 18kt yellow gold necklace catches daylight and reflects it back against the face. For later, an 18kt white gold necklace can be captivating as its lustre is a wonderful combination with candlelight.

As a truly thoughtful gift, an 18kt gold pendant necklace is perfect as the charm hangs above the heart. We offer sculptural organic shapes, simple flowers or even abstracted hearts themselves, each having potential to create a special meaning between the giver and receiver, making them a real expression of love.

Silver necklaces  Diamond necklaces  See all necklaces